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Showing posts from 2017


The Business Plan’s Executive Summary

The business plan consists of a few parts and of these few parts each have their own lengthy detail that should be included. For example, I will start with the executive summary and move on from there. While each of these sections have a their own unique portions that will need to be crafted and written in detail to the best of the writers ability, it is important to remember that the business plan is the one document where you don’t want to use the methodology less is more. While this first document of your business plan is one of the most crucial parts, it is also the last piece you are going to want to write in your business plan. I am starting here with the executive summary because well, I have to write at least a dozen or more. That’s not to say that I have started a dozen or more businesses but I have consulted on many and helped with the development or some. The first step in understanding the executive summary is to get a grasp on what exactly it is, it is a snapshot, a b

Is It time for a new career or Entrepreneurship ?

If you have ever thought that your job was dead-end and going nowhere fast, you may have thought of the possibilities of opening your own business as a way out. Most entrepreneur’s fall victim to this way of thinking early on when their frustration sets in about their job market or current job growth; but it is the next move you make that could actually lead you down a road of sure despair without the right planning. Entrepreneurship is a dream that many American’s dream to either establish for themselves or it is a long term goal that they have set for themselves to conquer within the near future. However, how do you differentiate from the near and distant future from procrastination and rushing in to something because frustration has taken a hold of you? While it is never a good idea to make any type of irrational decisions in the decision making process when it comes to initializing a startup, it is equally important to understand that nothing can happen without risk. Altho

How to get started Funding Your Business

Financing your small business can be one of the biggest challenges you can face as you began your role as an aspiring business owner. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer as to where you can find funding or if your business will even be successful. However, learning to understand the data and understanding simple funding techniques can also be an advantage to you. For example, I set out to see some of today’s recommendations for funding a business, and believe me when I tell the shock and awe value was paramount. While I was searching the glorious information highway for the best options to fund a business; I managed to run across a very interesting article that read one option would be for the new and aspiring business owner, is to use a credit card. So, I began to read a little more because most credit cards charge an enormous rate of interest and this method of funding well, it is just foolish and it is a key element to bad business. This brings me to a question that is asked

Marketing for Beginners

If you have just started your business or are still in the thinking and planning part of your new business, I am sure you’ve already thought of “how am I going to get found on Google and those other search engines or where can I sell my products”. While, marketing can range from all digital platforms to the more traditional platforms consisting of billboards, flyers, brochures, and business cards; it is important to have a mixture of both digital and traditional, in sense. If your business is still in the planning stages it is my personal recommendation that you don’t run out rent the biggest billboard even if you have a brick and mortar store front. Marketing is an easy task and the important thing is to not over complicate it. The idea of marketing is exposure, as much as you get and make sure it’s all positive for the most part. I mean let’s face it not everyone is going to give you positive reviews or positive feedback; there are just those few people that exist to do harm. Althou

Tips for new Business Owners

Often times, frustration in our life comes and takes a seat right next to us and we begin our long journey down day dream lane, that path of “what if I were to open my own business and be my own boss”? Of course you know the dream; everyone has had them on more than one occasion in their lifetime of employment frustration, that frustrating point when you’re making minimum wage or a non-livable wage to take care of you or your family. You begin this process by asking yourself, “why am I making this guy so much money but I’m not getting my just reward”? Then the epiphany happens, “I can do this for myself,” and the dawn of entrepreneurship is born. However, where do you begin? This is the question that as an entrepreneur you will come to hate for the remainder of your time in business and you may actually be successful in your first round as a business owner or you may not; what’s important is that if you do fail on the first shot of entrepreneurship that you recognize your mistakes and
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